Monday, August 19, 2013

"Home" away from HOME

As I sit here trying to figure out how to start this blog I think of all of the things I want to tell you, but I just can't figure out how to begin so I suppose I will begin by telling you how I can't figure out how to begin...ahaha I know this makes some of you just miss me that much more!

Today I realized something, something relatively important...I realized that if I drank as much water a day as I drink Dunkin Donut iced coffees I might be fairly healthy!  Yep, it's official I'm hooked on the DD, as they said I would be!  Decaf iced caramel coconut coffee with cream and sugar or decaf iced caramel mocha with cream and sugar have now become an active part of my New Englander vocabulary!  Hannah has learned a few new vocabs too, "Look a donut shop mom!" or "Hannah eat donut & mommy drink toffee (coffee)?"  Yes, sadly this has become a fairly regular conversation piece for the two of us!

We love the northern East coast beach!  While the water is still fairly cold, it is nothing compared to the west coast ice water.  It's also so wonderful to be able to wear shorts and tank tops (and yes I occasionally bust out the bathing suit like everyone else) while playing at the beach rather than jeans and sweatshirts!  We are so blessed to only be about 30-40 minutes from the beautiful beach of the Atlantic ocean!  We are still exploring the different beach access points.

We are loving being surrounded by history!  We have been enjoying doing as much exploring of historic sights as we can with two little munchkins.  There are so many intriguing history facts all around us, we will never get around to seeing them all!

It's beautiful here, and it's not even fall yet.  We've been told that fall is the time to visit.  I can easily believe it.  There are so many trees and beautiful landscape.  The landscape reminds me a lot of Oregon but as someone over here said they heard, "NH is a lot like Oregon only Oregon is on steroids."  So true, Oregon mountains, trees, etc. are much bigger.

We have been attending a church called Grace Community Church.  It reminds us so much of Monmouth Christian sometimes I forget that I'm thousands of miles away.  I have met several ladies from the church and made good connections with them.  We have had "supper" out once and a few play dates.  I feel extremely blessed to have connected with such amazing women so early into our move!  We are working on getting Jason connected with some of the men from church.  We'd like to do some family things with others soon. 

Jason is loving his job!  He has excellent employees and the workload is continuous!  He has been able to keep similar hours to those he was working in Oregon.  He sometimes works a Saturday morning but not very often.  I am so thankful he isn't far from home and is able to take our phone calls is we have an emergency here at home.

With all of the positive things above come several challenges during this transition time.  We miss so much of our life back in Oregon!  It's so strange to miss some of the little things you thought you couldn't wait to get away from. 

We are thankful we followed our hearts and made the move.  God has definitely opened our eyes already to a few reasons he asked us to take this leap of faith.  We went from a crazy busy life in Oregon, to a very slow low key lifestyle here.  We believe God was redirecting our focus on Him and our family.  We were busy in Oregon, not necessarily with bad things but busy with many things that pulled our time away from our devotion and intimacy with our Heavenly Father and our family! While we long to be a "part" of a church, a community, a group of friends, etc. again; we understand and appreciate the value of the quiet, calmness, stillness of being a family unit so connected to God and each other that we are overwhelmed with joy! 

Although we've been primarily focusing on personal growth and our family, I am continually amazed when I meet someone new and find out "their story" compared to mine. I wont go into details but lets just say God is at work already with us in this community! I pray that this continues to happen as we meet more people!  We have been praying for the people in this place and back in Oregon because we consider both of these places "home" while we wait to go to our eternal HOME! 

We can use your continued prayers for all of us!   Below is a list of a few requests:
*Continued trust and growth spiritual!
*Continued health for all of us!
*Jason's back is still recovering (doing much better now that he's gone to the chiropractor several times)
*Safe travels for visitors
*Open eyes to see how God will choose to use "our story" in this community!

We love you guys and appreciate your love, support and especially PRAYERS!!!  Keep it coming!

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