Thursday, February 13, 2014

Leap of Faith not Fear!

Beautiful snow falling outside, lovely worship music playing, babies's time to record the scrambling of thoughts and emotions I've had over the past few weeks!

Not one day goes by that I don't think something like this to myself, "What a different life we are living than what we expected", "Never in my life did I dream I'd be doing.........(this or that)", "What are we doing", etc.  Each day (well at least I try to everyday), I make a choice to have a good attitude.  Some days when others are visiting or sharing about how nice it is to have grandma and grandpa, aunties, uncles, best friends (ones they've grown up with), siblings, etc. close by and available to offer support and help, I struggle to see that my life and exactly where I am is what God has specifically and specially designed for me and my family!  It is quite humbling to put yourself out there over and over again to introduce and meet new people and ask for help from new friends, however, I am continuously reminded that it's not about me :)!!!

Don't get me wrong here, our families are so amazing and have been blessed with the capabilities to come visit with us often and we are so very thankful for that!  I write these things not to make people feel bad for talking about, enjoying, or having family close to them; I write it to share how God has lifted both Jason and I up drawing us closer and closer to him over and over again!

As hard as it was to leave such amazing family and friends back in Oregon, I am humbled again and again by people right here in NH that hear about "our story" and feel moved to share their life and story with us!  To God be the glory, we loved watching God work in us (shaping our hearts), use us (regular daily sinners) for His glory, and watching those around us grow in faith in Oregon.  When we moved, we felt like we didn't have a place here but God was quick to remind us that our "place" is not on this earth.  He was quick to remind us that our focus should not be on ourselves but on bringing others closer to knowing him!  We are excited to be praying about how God is working to connect us to a church and community family here.

With all of that being said I will share something new with you!  We have been "holding" onto something of this world we left behind in Oregon.  As many of you know, we loved our home in Oregon and God blessed us beyond what we could have ever imagined.  We had many blessed opportunities to share/open our home for things that brought people together to fellowship as friends and brothers and sisters in Christ.  We have prayed and sought wisdom, therefore, deciding it is time to let go of this last piece of our ministry in Oregon so we can better focus our attention on our discipleship in the northeast!

We need your help!  Please pray it sells in God's perfect timing at the right price!  My (Emily's) heart as we go forward with selling as this was a big part of my life back in Oregon (it's only a "thing of this world though", I can and I will let go of it for the good of the Lord, just may have a difficult time doing so). For wisdom for us here in NH to know what the next step is for our family!  Thank you for your continuous support and encouragement! 

P.S. Sorry (well not really, lol) for the frequent facebook posts, pictures and comments.  I love the awesomeness of technology these days!  I love that I can share my love for God, and my family with others!  I also love that it is a perfect place to encourage others! Ok done with my little side trackedness...hehe

Our Beautiful Blessing!

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